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Advanced Social Media Add-On

Our monthly subscription creates memorable content, that gets great engagement, so you can build meaningful relationships.


One thing to bear in mind is that social media is a long game. It's about finding your voice, growing a loyal following and creating value for your audience. It takes ongoing investment and the results are not instantaneous.

We'll help you create social media content (of roughly 8-10 posts) every month that is beautifully designed and creates real value for your audience. All the content will feed into a social strategy and will be measurable. There's no guesswork here. All the content is revised off the back of real insights from your audience.

Please note that paid media budget is not included in this fee. We'll suggest an optimal media spend per campaign, but it's ultimately up to you what you choose to spend. You'll need to make some investment in paid media if you want to see any results.