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Small Website Package

Small websites of 1 to 4 pages

  • Ideal for marketing and promotional landing pages
  • No-code visual website editor for 3 users
  • SSL Secure Hosting & support for higher traffic
  • Unlimited bug fixes
  • Technical Support

Whether you are running a marketing landing page... a microsite for a campaign idea... a small business owner just getting started or even a brave new entrepreneur that wants to test an idea. The Small website package might just be what you're looking for.

Here's how it works:

  1. I'll conduct an onboarding session to find out more about your industry, target market and what you makes you unique in your field of expertise. I'll then work with you to put a content framework together. This will ultimately form the content for your website.
  2. Once that is agreed on I'll put together a design unique to your content.
  3. I'll deliver your website in a preview link and go through it with you on a video call where changes can be made live on the call. 
  4. Once you've approved your website, I'll go through my pre-flight checklist, make sure I've got everything I need from a domain perspective and then I'll push the button. That's it, your website is live!
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